
Miami, FL
Residential Services Offered
Cleaning Garage Doors Organizing
weCleanGarages.com was born out of our Media Distribution business that takes us all across the USA. In every city and state we would see the same problem, messy and cluttered garages.
Homeowners would stop and ask us if we knew of a service that would be able to help solve their problem. WeCleanGarages.com was born!

Naturally, time is everyone’s most valued asset. A clean garage solves your problem and gives you back valuable space that you are under utilizing due to an unclean
and unorganized garage. Allow weCleanGarages to save you time and the agony of such a daunting task of cleaning and organizing your garage.

We Clean
Our garage cleaning team will take everything out of your garage, we will then make sure to detail all the small areas where the hardest dirt and bugs hide.

We Trash
We will put your unnecessary “stuff” in big bags for you.

We Organize
After the detailed clean-up, we will organize your garage into a more functional space…then you can now relax and enjoy your new space.
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Business Credentials

Insured amount: $100000
Expires on: 2017-11-08
Business since: 2012
(12 years)


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