Royal Touch Mobile Car Wash and Detail

Irving, TX
Auto Services Offered
Detail Wash Upholstery
Why Are We The Best Car Detailing in DFW?

Hand Wax & Hand Dry. We take better care of your car than anything we own. Our services include manual care in hand washes, hand dries, and hand waxes. If you want to protect your investment don’t take your vehicle to an auto wash or trust it with anyone but the best. Our years of training and experience can’t be beat.

Superior, Eco-Friendly Products. We only use the best product. No over-the-counter Costco cleaners here. We order everything custom for car detailing to make sure we protect your car and clean it as thoroughly as possible.

Available Mobile Service. Your time is valuable and you don’t want to waste it driving back and forth to drop off your vehicle. Beyond just the drive time, a good detailer can’t possibly clean your vehicle in 30 minutes no matter how good they are. We can come to your home or office any time that fits your schedule.
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Business Credentials

Insured amount: $300000
Expires on: 2018-04-01
Business since: 2017
(7 years)


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car detail; car wash; truck wash; auto

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