Arcángel's housekeeper

Phoenix, AZ
Residential Services Offered
Cleaning Maid Service Window Cleaning
Commercial Services Offered
Cleaning Window Cleaning
I been cleaning since I was 15yrs I like to make every costumer happy ,I like to be perfect in my job because I love my job and want every costumer to be happy as well,Besides I have my own stuff to clean vacuum,liquids ect.pets are not problem for me, & I like to put every costumer certain day and time that can work for them & me.I speak Spanish ,we are 2ppl who make the cleaning .Are experience is from cleaning a REGULAR CLEANING TO DEEP CLEANING, also We can clean Real state houses(empty houses) I like to be pay cash or regular check since my business is really small.((I ALSO CLEAN INSIDE OVEN & INSIDE FRIDGE FOR EXTRA $$))( FOR ME TO GIVE YOU A BETTER ESTIMATE I NEED TO GO CHECK OUT YOUR HOUSE))i
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Business since: 2000
(24 years)


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