Platinum Remodeling & Painting

West Deptford, NJ
Residential Services Offered
Carpentry - Finish Doors - Windows General Contractor Painting Remodeling
At Platium Remodeling & Painting customer satisfaction is our #1 priority! From start to finish we arrive on time and finish the job on time. We are here to give your home a fresh beautiful new look. We are family owned and locally operated. We have delivered on a range of successful projects throughout the area, and no job is too big for our skilled team. Our specialties include large additions, kitchen and bathroom remodels, and major home repairs.
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Business Credentials

Business since: 2014
(10 years)


No deals at this moment.


  • Before and after Area changed and added a custom bar
  • Kitchen remodel
  • Before Floor
  • after floor

Reviews (1)

My Reviews
  • Chris Z
    10 Jul, 2017 Used to be called powerhouse construction. Scammers, who do terrible work and won't fix. Already won lawsuit against them.

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