MSE Environmental

Phoenix, AZ
Residential Services Offered
Air Duct - Dryer vent cleaning Cleaning Drywall Home Inspection Restoration Septic Tank
Commercial Services Offered
Air Duct - Dryer vent cleaning Cleaning Drywall INSPECTION Restoration Septic Tank
MSE Environmental is an environmental consulting frm that was established in Las Vegas in 2003. MSE provides its clients a wide range of industrial hygiene services that include mold, asbestos, lead, sewage/bacteria, water damage, indoor air quality, infrared thermal imaging, environmental site assessments, allergens, avian pathogens, disaster emergency response, wildfre smoke/soot, OSHA & EPA Compliance, illicit drugs, environmental health and safety, silica, radon and litigation support.Our services support all of the key industries such as construction, industrial, commercial, retail, insurance, government, fnancial, legal and public health.MSE Environmental is defned by our mission statement:“Our mission is to provide cost-effective solutions for a broad spectrum of environmental issues in the most honest and ethical manner for each client.”MSE Environmental is committed to continuous learning and knowledge of our industry which provides client relationships with a superior partner to depend on. We are also committed to our employees who provide the utmost knowledge and customer service to each and every client. MSE will provide your business with the most cost-effective solutions to make certain compliance is achieved and liability is reduced. With three offces in the West (Nevada, Utah and Arizona), MSE is situated to assist all of our clients throughout the Western United States with all of their industrial hygiene requirements.
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Business Credentials

Business since: 2003
(21 years)


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