Scottsdale, AZ
Residential Services Offered
Commercial Services Offered
Maids to Order Mission Statement: * To make life easier for our residential and commercial clients by providing a full line of professional cleaning services, with a Personal Touch. To enrich the lives of our valued employees by providing an opportunity for personal and financial reward

* A Residential/Commercial Franchise servicing all cities within Maricopa County, AZ providing elite and personalized cleaning services

* Maids to Order provides housekeeping services for people who are tired of team cleaning, want One Maid in their home, that is customized to their liking and that fits well within their budget. Other services include property management/maintenance services, personal assistant and errand services

* Maids to Order give you our Personal Touch promise to treat your home as if it were our own. While some companies send teams of cleaners and others force you on a rotation plan. Our philosophy is simple, we will meet with you personally to discuss your cleaning needs and develop a custom service plan to fit your lifestyle and schedule. Our franchisees cross train their staff so in cases of unforeseen circumstances; your regular Maid can be substituted by another Maid who knows your home and cleaning preferences.

* Residential/Office and Commercial Cleaning Services, Property Management and Personal Assistance too!

* Services provided Monday - Friday, Weekends by special appointment and hours of operations 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

* All employees are bonded/insured, dressed in uniform, speak English and we provide all products and cleaning equipment. Call for a FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE.
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Business since: 2001
(23 years)


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