Fish Outta Water Pool Service

Surprise, AZ
Residential Services Offered
Pool Services
Commercial Services Offered
Pool Services
Pool Service company servicing around the valley for more than 8 to us...You will get exceptional service.
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Business Credentials

Business since: 2014
(10 years)


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Reviews (2)

My Reviews
  • Jane Frishcosy
    25 Apr, 2022 I am sorry that I used this company. The service man took my money and did not complete the needed and promised services. Hopefully this review will save someone else the frustration and money. He robbed me of $300. Stupid me.
  • Susan S
    11 Aug, 2021 we have used them for over a year, 2 months ago the service cost increased due to a chlorine shortage, not happy but we paid it. got a new letter that we need to buy our own chlorine tablets but our service fee isn't going down. We asked about the changes and new request, got an apology but they cancelled my service and didn't notify us. If you want to wait for the next notification of changes and pricing increase, great! The company is horrible at communicating and doesn't do what they promised

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