Paterson, NJ
Residential Services Offered
Commercial Services Offered

We do it all! Our company is designed to provide the best IT and computer services and support for small to medium business and residential customers. No internal IT Department needed! We offer the best solutions to your PC and Network needs. Prompt, Reliable Services. There is no job too large or too small! Choose 911PCNJ and you will never look for another IT professional again!

Our CERTIFIED technicians will help you create or reconfigure your IT infrastructure to give you more time to concentrate on your business. Save money on full time IT Staff. Hire us instead!


Established in 2015.

The owner of 911PCNJ has 12 years of real work computer and network experience. We strive to give the best possible services to our customers. Please visit www.911PCNJ.com for more details and information.
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Business Credentials

State/Province: NJ, Expires on: 2018-06-10
Class: CompTIA A+, Nr: COMP001020835109
Business since: 2005
(19 years)


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computer repair computer services computer technician virus removal computer diagnostics computer upgrade pc repair software installation Data backup Operating System Anti-Virus Installation Computer Mantainance

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